A Little Lush Haul

Lush hauls are some of my favorite posts to read and some of my favorite blog pictures to look at.  Lush packaging is so beautiful and classic, and the message behind it is all the better.  Lush is so natural and animal friendly, with a great link to charity with some of their products. It was my birthday last week and I ended up getting a few beauty bits which will have many posts in the coming weeks to show you, but this is my little lush haul.  I got this lovely quartet of lush products from my sister, and I must say she picked some good ones.   The first item I started using was Mr. Sandman because I’d never heard of it but it smelled so good and I am a sucker for natural sleep aids (you can bet there’s some stress relief aromatherapy next to my bed).  I sprinkle this all over my arms and legs before bed, and it feels exactly like freshly washed sheets and newly shaved legs, a.k.a. the best combo ever. Although I haven’t tried 9 to 5 yet, I’ve been looking at it for so so long and my sister read my … Continue reading A Little Lush Haul