French and German Beauty Buys

While I was away on Spring Break, I went and racked up some pretty good French and German beauty buys.  Brands like Zoeva and Caudelie feel so much better to buy in the countries they’re based in.  I did my fair share of stocking up on European skin care and a bit of makeup, but hey why not? All of my skincare buys I got in Paris, at Sephora, a MonoPrix, and Galeries La Fayette.  I started at Sephora with the masks, I’ve never seen these Lip Masks before and my lips are always in such bad shape so I picked up 2, and at only €2.50 I was pumped for these.  I still have yet to use them but they will be in a favorites soon enough, or maybe not, who knows.  I also got the Avocado Sheet Mask to repair and nourish the skin and with how dry my skin got this week, I definitely needed it.  It smelled nice and I kept it on for about 45 minutes or so and my skin didn’t feel dry or tight at all when I took it off.  I will definitely be buying Sephora Sheet Masks in bulk from now on. … Continue reading French and German Beauty Buys