If I Could Only Keep 10 Items Challenge

I saw this post on another blog and added it to my “posts to write” list in my Bullet Journal.  I am all about cutting down to the things I really love and use, this seemed like something really interesting.  First I grabbed an old Sephora bag and went through all my makeup, picking and choosing which 10 items I would keep if I could only keep t10.  In my mind, this challenge means that you can only repurchase these 10 items over and over again. I surprised myself with this challenge, I didn’t pick a single lip product in my 10 items.  Lipsticks got me into the world of makeup and I shockingly didn’t pick any.  But, I felt like it ruined the challenge to not have this be my first instincts.  After all, I rarely wear lipsticks anymore. Base My all-time favorite primer is Too Faced Hangover because it’s so light and refreshing on the skin.  I picked two foundations because there’s different skin days and different amounts of coverage that I want.  I always pick and always love Rimmel Match Perfection because it’s so hydrating (especially the new formula) and it’s so inexpensive.  The Sephora CC Creme … Continue reading If I Could Only Keep 10 Items Challenge