3rd Blogiversary!

I’ve been sitting here for a while trying to think of a theme for this blogiversary post.  I just went back and read last years’ post and the year before that.  It’s an amazing thing having so much of myself documented on here.  Going back and reading the words that I wrote 3 years ago is so incredible to think about. This blog is a place that’s purely mine.  There is nothing I could be more grateful for than having this place, this hobby, this creative outlet to pursue and have it be 100% me.  No one influences me on here. I can’t even think of how many hours I’ve spent doing something I love so much.  I’m so lucky to do something that I enjoy so much every day, to have a place to be creative, to procrastinate productively. My 3rd blogiversary is an incredibly special day for me, I feel so proud of all I’ve accomplished this year.  I started off my third year of blogging with planning a relaunch which included going through every post I’ve ever written and deleting the ones that made me cringe, moving everything to wordpress.org alone, learning code, and refocusing my content, … Continue reading 3rd Blogiversary!