
PERSONAL| 5 Inspirational Women

Hello lovelies!  As I’ve been creating my inspiration board in my bedroom, I’ve come across so many beautiful and inspiring women.  Everything from bloggers to actresses to singers are featured in the list.


  1. Blake Lively – She has been one of my favorite actresses for years and now that she’s a mother and has her website, it makes me so happy to look forward to what I can achieve in my life.  and she is absolutely beautiful, I mean, look at how happy and gorgeous she is!  Her taste in clothing is also beautiful.
  2. Zoe Sugg/Zoella – This is one of the women I look up to most in my life.  She was just a young girl who decided to start a blog just like me and now look at all she’s done: written a book, created a beauty line, an extremely successful YouTube, and a successful blog. Along with her boyfriend and dog, she has created a life for herself that makes her happy, which is amazing.  She has made so many helpful videos like the Just Say Yes video, that have made me start to say yes more.  And her clothes are so unique and gorgeous!images-5
  3. Lauren Conrad – Along with Zoe, she is someone I think so highly of.  She was a teenager who accepted a reality TV to make a name for herself.  And then another one, and her first fashion line.  Followed by many more, and a blog.  Her blog is a guide for girls of every age through everything from etiquette to fashion.
  4. Taylor Swift – She has been someone I look up to for fashion for quite some time now.  She and I have similar body types so it’s easy for me to take style tips from her.  And her clothes are to die for.
  5. Michele Phan – Her story is amazing coming from a not-so-well-off family and becoming the first person that was a vlogger for Lancôme and now she has a book and so much more, being one of the most popular YouTubers.


These women are the most inspirational in my life, who inspires you?
