DSCF2273GUYS!  Today is 2 years of MSP! I’ve been thinking lately about everything that this blog has done for me with the 2 year anniversary and I wanted to share that with my amazing readers who make it all possible for me.  I started this blog in August of 2013 and I honestly can’t even think of what I would be doing with my time or what I would want to do with my life if I didn’t randomly decided one day “I’m gonna start a blog.” No thought, no planning.  I just did it.  I looked up blogging platforms on Google and there was Weebly and WordPress. I originally made My Style Pages on both to see which I liked better.  After I realized how complicated Weebly is, I became a WordPress blog and I am so happy.  I didn’t start this blog because of the success of Zoella or any other blogger, I don’t even think I knew about them back then.  It was literally just an impulse move.  I’m not sure how I found the word of blogging but really, I love it.

This blog has always been a place I can come when I’m happy, bored, or just procrastinating.  I feel so welcome and never judged when I am on my blog.  It’s a place where I can be completely myself.  I have gained so much confidence being able to share my thoughts and everything here.

And all I’ve accomplished since that August day is amazing to me and it is crazy when I realize that the views on my stats aren’t just me making sure everything looks good, because for the first few days weeks, they were.

I am so thankful for all the other bloggers that I’ve met that I consider friends.  This community is so welcoming and positive.  I found such a love for beauty and makeup while writing this blog.  It started as a fashion blog but slowly turned into a mainly beauty blog with a few posts once in a while that are fashion based.  But in all honesty, between the first day I started My Style Pages and now, barely anything has changed.  I still don’t hold any standards or rules that would make it something I dread doing.  I write when I want to and sometimes I take a few days off, and sometimes I take a lot of days off.  But no one scolds me for taking a break, it’s just when I want.  It’s always something I enjoy and always will be.  That day I had zero idea where I would be in a year and even now, I have no idea where I will be in another year, but this time on this blog makes me so happy.

And most of all I’m proud of myself for sticking with it and not even having a thought about ever stopping.  This is something I love and hope to do for a very, very long time.  And I am so very thankful for all of you reading this and liking and commenting and saying nice things!  It makes me so happy to see people who actually like reading my blog and all the time and effort I put into it.

Again, thank you for all you have done for me.  It’s been a wonderful two years and I can’t wait for the future.
