A few months back I wrote a post like this when I was feeling really overwhelmed.  It’s one of those posts that I go back and read a lot when I’m feeling that way.  But when I was reading I felt a new summer version would be helpful. When you feel burned out, turn to these tips to reset and feel ready to handle whatever is in your way.

In the other post I mentioned a pamper day, which is still completely golden in the summer… with a few edits.  I’m not a huge summertime bath person because the last thing I want to do when it’s hot is sit in a hot tub, I prefer a shower with my favorite products in the summer.  Pull out that shower oil you rarely use or the hair mask that costed too much to justify and get to it.  Treat yourself with all your best and favorite bath and body products.

Throw on a face mask and paint your nails with a show or your favorite music playing in the background.  The show or music let your mind tune out and allow it to focus on something other than what’s stressing you out.  Choose that show that feels like home to you, the Comfort Blanket of your Netflix cue if you will.  For me, that’s Gossip Girl or Friends.  I’ve seen every episode, I know I will love it, and it always helps boost my mood.

If you feel very trapped (both literally and emotionally), slather on some SPF and get outside.  Go for a walk, sit at the beach, even just read a book in your back yard.  Getting some fresh air and sun does wonders for feeling overwhelmed and stuck.  I love taking a drive down to a nature conservatory by my house and walking around, it’s so relaxing and gets me out of that jittery feeling I get when I’m inside too long on a nice day.

Reading a book outside is especially therapeutic as you get into a new physical space and a new headspace.  It distracts your mind from whatever is getting you down and gives you something different to think about.  I feel so accomplished when I finish a book or even just read a good chunk in one day.

Putting your phone down for a few hours feels super therapeutic when you feel overwhelmed because you don’t constantly check social media or sit waiting for notifications.  Give yourself some space from the Internet and from constantly chatting with people.  Make use of the Do Not Disturb function on your phone; block texts and calls until you’re ready to pick your phone up again.

And last but definitely not least when dealing with overwhelm, a nap can cure so much.  Guarantee yourself time away from your phone (like out of the room) to relax and put your stress on pause.  Even a 30 minute nap can refresh you so much and give you tons of energy.  It’s important to give yourself downtime to get through your overwhelm.

No matter what has you overwhelmed, take a step back from everything until it doesn’t seem so bad anymore.  I find myself very caught up in problems in the moment.  But I take a step back and I get a better view of the problem so I can tackle it.