The end of this month really snuck up on me. March’s theme was Clean Out to prepare myself for Spring and just clear out my living space so I can wear more of what I have, use more of the products I own, and donate the things I don’t need.

For March, I wanted to donate at least 6 bags of clothing (DONE!), get rid of expired makeup and skincare (DONE!) and not buy anything (not done). I gave away a ton of clothes I haven’t even thought about wearing in years and felt so much better about it. There’s always those things I kind of just keep around because I feel bad that I haven’t worn them but it’s really just time to let go. I also got really strict with myself and threw away a lot of expired makeup, so hopefully my skin will be clearing up a bit more after getting some fresh products on my face.

Unfortunately I did purchase a few things, I got myself two new Wet ‘N Wild foundations that both happen to be the wrong shade. They weren’t too expensive so I don’t feel too bad about it but I was kind of hoping I could resist for 1 month. I also never got around to my crystal log in my bullet journal but coming soon hopefully!

This April I really want to dedicate a lot of time to reading news, books, and blogs. I’ve been pretty out of the blog loop lately probably going on Bloglovin’ about 5 times the past 3 months. I always love the blogging community and want to get back into reading all my fave (and new) blogs!

Goals this month:

  • Read 4 books
  • Catch up on the news daily
  • Do some blog reading at least twice a week

Those are pretty attainable so hopefully I can just focus on trading Instagram scrolling time for reading and get through some books I’ve been wanting to read for months!