Productivity: The “Just One More” Method
Let me paint you a picture: You’re working from home. You can’t focus for more than 3 minutes at a time before reaching for your phone, typing in twitter or sephora.com and you think “if I restructure my week, I can push these last few things off until tomorrow”. Stop right there, put down the…
2 Strategies To Stay Productive
In the winter I find myself just wanting to cozy up in my bed with a show on and not do much. Cooler temps is no reason to slow productivity, especially in such a busy time of year. Over the past few months I’ve been working on how I can get myself to sit down…
Productive Morning Routine
There are two types of mornings: those where you lay in bed for a while scrolling through Instagram and those where you throw off the covers and get down to business. I have to say that I prefer to get down to business than sit in my bed all day but I’d like to note…