I must say that December snuck up on me before I had a chance to even realize how fast November was going.  Welcome to daily December, come back every single day this month for a new post!  Onto the last goals of this year:

December Goals 2016 - Born To Be Bright

  1. Kick my productivity into gear, because 2016 has been 50% ultra-productive and 50% ultra slacking.  By posting every day this month I’m definitely challenging myself to stay productive.
  2. Shake my social media addiction.  Similar to last year, I’m going to be deleting my Instagram app from my phone (except to post of course) to stay off my phone.  This goes hand in hand with productivity so let’s hope I see significant improvements all around!
  3. Make more friends.  I’ve gotten so much better at this lately but there are always improvements to be made, so I just need to start with saying hi to more people and going from there!
  4. Take up Calm again, as lately I’ve been more stressed than ever and not doing my Calm app every night.  I notice such a difference when I use it but for some reason I’ve just been neglecting it lately.
  5. Buy no makeup, while this is a challenge I know I can do it and I will be happy I did in the long run.  I have so much makeup right now, currently there are 9 foundations sitting in my makeup drawer almost full.  I want to work through a lot of almost-empty products this month and make room for a more minimalist makeup approach to begin 2017.
  6. Gain some serious motivation going in to 2017!  I am going to be starting 2017 off with some huge things not just for the blog but also in my outside life and I’m going to need so much motivation to get through it all.

Happy December!