This month I really started to feel a lot more like myself, spending time doing the things that make me happy and around people I enjoy being around. I visited one of my friends and it felt so good to be around someone so understanding and willing to listen and genuinely help instead of the usual “put yourself out there”. It was almost as if I could actually feel a switch flip in brain and I just felt so much better after that.

I’ve gotten some reading, painting, and more time outside into my daily routine and it feels great. In the past year I’ve been able to really identify the people and activities that make me feel good and kind of feed my soul. I notice a difference in my mindset and how I feel when I do or don’t pay attention to how I’m spending my time and make sure I’m doing some of the things that make me feel good.
For June I want to spend a lot of time outside. I’d like to get up early to go see the sun rise and take lots of little hikes along the lake. My main goal is to spend roughly 1 hour a day outside (unless it’s raining of course) to really make this a habit to bring my lunch or coffee outside, walk to work, etc.
Even as I write this post I’m outside listening to Homecoming and eating some fruit and really enjoying it.