My Morning Routine Winter 2022
Happy new year friends! Over the past year I’ve really re-vamped my morning routine as I’ve been on more of a wellness journey. There are plenty of habits I’m still working to kick but I’ve taken strides in setting myself up for better days. I have always been one to wake up about 2 hours…
Reasons I’m Hauling Smaller
Over the past few years I’ve gained a new attitude towards the beauty industry. With the nonstop launches set up to keep us placing orders, I realized how much I own and how little I can actually put on my face. As I’m sure we have all felt throughout the past year, wearing makeup less…
2021 Goals and Intentions
Looking back at my 2020 intentions, I had some really good goals last year and I think I was pretty good at accomplishing them. For a more in depth review of how I did on those goals, check out this post. This year, my goals are a lot less quantifiable and less strict because 2020…
2020 Beauty Favorites
This year I have been sticking to the basics for my beauty routine and haven’t tried as much new stuff as I usually would have. Part of that is because I’ve been trying so hard to finish things up and the other part is that I just haven’t been wearing a ton of makeup recently.…
New Year Journal Prompts
We’ve all been waiting for 2020 to end but it can feel good to take a moment and try to learn from this year before quickly moving on to a new one. Writing in my journal has always been therapeutic for me and it’s usually what I try to do when I’m feeling especially down…
Reflecting on my 2020 Goals
At the start of the year, I spent some time journaling and trying to figure out what I wanted to carry as themes for this year. I came up with a few overarching themes and some smaller goals to help me work on those themes throughout year. You can read more in detail about those…