What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed – Summer Edition
A few months back I wrote a post like this when I was feeling really overwhelmed. Â It’s one of those posts that I go back and read a lot when I’m feeling that way. Â But when I was reading I felt a new summer version would be helpful. When you feel burned out, turn to…
Learning To Disconnect
I’m learning to disconnect a lot more lately, trying to get off my phone and not be so attached to it. It’s hard to learn to let go, there’s always the fear of missing something important but it’s so important to try to live in the moment more and take more time for myself. This…
What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed
Everyone has those times when they just feel overwhelmed whether it be with school, work, family, or friends. Â Sometimes you just need to take a hour (or a day) to hit the reset button and get yourself back to normal. Â I find all of these work best with the friend overwhelm that can happen with…
Sick Day Essentials
I was sick from Christmas to mid-January and it was really frustrating to be sick for that long. I haven’t really had motivation to do much beyond my schoolwork once I get home but now I’m really starting to miss writing and blogging. These are my top sick day essentials, and I can assure you…