A Lush Haul
This is a collective haul of a few different purchases throughout the last little while but I thought I’d put them all together into one post. Â Can we take a minute for the amount of pictures in this post too? Â Lush products are the most photogenic products I have ever blogged about (also the best…
A Very Lush Christmas
I decided to get everyone in my family Lush products for Christmas because of their adorable Christmas range that is always so popular online. Â I mean, I can’t resist the Lush Christmas blog posts and YouTube videos that make me want every single thing. Â Also, beauty is one of those things I know a lot…
Never Mind The Ballistics Lush Bath Bomb
Yesterday I had a little pamper day with the Lush Never Mind The Ballistics bath bomb and That 70s Show playing in the background. Â I got this bath bomb as a birthday gift, you can see the whole haul here, and I have been waiting for the perfect mood to use it. This bath bomb…
A Little Lush Haul
Lush hauls are some of my favorite posts to read and some of my favorite blog pictures to look at. Â Lush packaging is so beautiful and classic, and the message behind it is all the better. Â Lush is so natural and animal friendly, with a great link to charity with some of their products. It…