Quarantine Skincare Routine
Working from home every day, I’ve been able to skip makeup most days and really allow my skin to breathe. Because I’ve been going bare-faced most days, my skin has been clearer than ever. I picked out a few products at the beginning of staying home that I dubbed my “quarantine skincare”. On top of…
Productivity: The “Just One More” Method
Let me paint you a picture: You’re working from home. You can’t focus for more than 3 minutes at a time before reaching for your phone, typing in twitter or sephora.com and you think “if I restructure my week, I can push these last few things off until tomorrow”. Stop right there, put down the…
Budget-Friendly Wellness Routine Menu
Welcome back! Recently, I’ve been trying to motivate myself to take part in those wellness routines that make me feel really good. Things like painting, yoga, reading, writing for my blog. It’s a common experience to have low motivation during quarantine. I think I ran out of steam as it seemed like this would never…
Books, Movies, and Influencers to Read, Watch, and Follow
All the news lately highlighting how centuries-old racism manifests in our modern-day society has been upsetting to say the least and constantly leaves me with the feeling of “how can I help”. Beyond protesting, signing petitions, and donating to causes, there is a lot of self-work we can do to create change. Over the past…
Quarantine Wellness Routine
My wellness routines have changed quite a bit since we began staying at home about 2 months ago. My normal routine included going to a class at my yoga studio about 4 times a week, taking the time to walk between classes, dinners and nights in with friends and roommates, and taking time to stop…
5 Reflection Questions For Changing Seasons
As I’ve been working on writing in my journal more often, I have collected questions that I think are perfect to ask yourself (or friends) during the change of the seasons. I’m starting to get that nostalgic feeling I often do during the transition from spring to summer. This is a time of change and…