My Morning Routine Winter 2022
Happy new year friends! Over the past year I’ve really re-vamped my morning routine as I’ve been on more of a wellness journey. There are plenty of habits I’m still working to kick but I’ve taken strides in setting myself up for better days. I have always been one to wake up about 2 hours…
2021 Goals and Intentions
Looking back at my 2020 intentions, I had some really good goals last year and I think I was pretty good at accomplishing them. For a more in depth review of how I did on those goals, check out this post. This year, my goals are a lot less quantifiable and less strict because 2020…
New Year Journal Prompts
We’ve all been waiting for 2020 to end but it can feel good to take a moment and try to learn from this year before quickly moving on to a new one. Writing in my journal has always been therapeutic for me and it’s usually what I try to do when I’m feeling especially down…
Reflecting on my 2020 Goals
At the start of the year, I spent some time journaling and trying to figure out what I wanted to carry as themes for this year. I came up with a few overarching themes and some smaller goals to help me work on those themes throughout year. You can read more in detail about those…
What’s Been Keeping Me Busy During Quarantine
After lockdowns this spring and a very cautious summer, my university has spent the past few weeks in another quarantine. While it’s been tough spending all my time working, sleeping, and learning in the same room, I’ve managed to keep myself busy and balanced. I think it’s become easy to spend all day and all…
Productivity: The “Just One More” Method
Let me paint you a picture: You’re working from home. You can’t focus for more than 3 minutes at a time before reaching for your phone, typing in twitter or sephora.com and you think “if I restructure my week, I can push these last few things off until tomorrow”. Stop right there, put down the…